Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Gym Diary: Thursday, October 18, 2012

     That's my basket of toiletries sitting on the bench.  I've found that I can trust everyone here.  It wouldn't bother me if someone help himself to a dab of my soap or my shampoo, but everyone here leaves everyone else's stuff alone.  That's one of the things I like about living here.

 Workout summary 

  1. Barbell incline chest press 40 x 17
  2. Alternating dumbbell curls 20 x 7
  3. Swiss ball pike peak 20
  4. Barbell incline chest press 60 x 8
  5. Alternating dumbbell curls 20 x 6
  6. Swiss ball pike peak 20
  7. Barbell incline chest press 60 x 8
  8. Alternating dumbbell curls 20 x 6
  9. Swiss ball pike peak 20
  10. Barbell incline chest press 60 x 7
  11. Alternating dumbbell curls 20 x 5
  12. Swiss ball pike peak 15

  1. Barbell Flat bench press 70 x 8
  2. Right cable low chop 7 x 8
  3. Left cable low chop 7 x 8
  4. Barbell arm curls 20 x 8
  5. Barbell flat bench press 70 x 8
  6. Right cable low chop 7 x 8
  7. Left cable low chop 7 x 8
  8. Barbell arm curls 20 x 8
  9. Barbell flat bench press 70 x 7
  10. Right cable low chop 7 x 8
  11. Left cable low chop 7 x 8
  12. Barbell arm curls 20 x 8

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